CONTACT : 0466963296
CONTACT : 0466963296
David has been a practicing Remedial & Sports massage therapist for more than a decade and has acquired his skillsets from training both within Australia and Abroad.
Prior to becoming a full time bodywork practitioner David was a professional motorbike stunt rider who travelled the world performing for major brands and events.
During his career he sustained many serious injuries and from those first hand experiences David was able to truly experience the full benefits of Osteopathic based Sports massage treatments and believes that without it he would not be able to live the active lifestyle he enjoys so much today.
David has worked alongside and has been trained by various practitioners including physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and naturopaths.
David has extensive experience working with athletes in various sports such as Triathletes, MMA, football, Jockeys, Power lifters, Dancers as well as the general public, in both chronic and acute conditions.
He is comfortable with assessing and treating all conditions he is presented with and is able to administer sound follow up advice and referrals when required.
David is passionate about helping his clients regain function, freeing them of pain and ultimately improving their overall quality of life just as Osteopathic based Sports Massage has done for him.
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